April 26, 2014
Lonely days, full of longing,
And dreary nights, full of dearth.
About her beauty, sadly singing,
Laying her memories into the hearth.
‘twas the day we tied the knot,
And vowed to live as man and wife.
A pint of mercy, He showed us not,
And took from me my precious life.
There she lay, in her bridal best,
On the funeral pyre.
With a lighted log, I bid her rest,
And shed my very first tear.
Up above the smoke did rise,
And took with it my precious lass.
Up it took the thousand lies,
Of God and luck and lovely lives.
Up it went and so very high.
Up it went and into the sky.
Life sans her was empty, aye,
I couldn’t live a splendid lie!
So off I went and hung my head,
And ended it all for good.
Tears were shed and prayers said,
And they lit me up on wood.
Up above my smoke did rise,
And took me to my lovely lass.
Up it took my grieving half,
And made it whole at last!
Up I went and so very high,
Up I went and into the sky.
And there with teary eyes did I,
Spy my lady standing shy!
An end to earthly life, I spoke,
Is not an end to love –
For we all go up in smoke!
~ Pradeep CE 🙂
This post used to be a part of my old blog, and was migrated here for legacy reasons.