In the Dark


I'm in the dark,
I've lost my way.
The light is gone,
I'm left astray.

I shout for help,
But no one comes.
I weep for freedom,
But none can hear.

It's a time of grief.
I'm a man in pain:
I've lost all loving,
I've not much time.

Where were you,
In my better days,
Where'd you go
When I could love?

I yearn for things
I've lost to the past,
I yearn for all
That could have been.

Oh how I wish
I could turn back time,
And take you
To my former self!

How I wish
I could love again,
Oh how I wish
Now were the same!

~ Pradeep CE 🙂

This post used to be a part of my old blog, and was migrated here for legacy reasons.

Pradeep CE

Pradeep CE

I am the author of this blog. I enjoy coding, learning new things and solving problems. This blog is where I share my learnings on running a one-person software business, software development, and life.

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